Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Reading Log
Math-Baseball worksheet
Reminder: children have practice at the church fom 3-4:30 tomorrow. If your child is in extended day we will get them to church.Also, please have your child get a quick snack, change into play clothes and come back to church by 3:00.Please pick your child up no later than 4:30

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Reading Reading log
Lang. worksheets on compound and context clues
Butterfly worksheet on facts
Baseball Fest tomorrow wear something appropriate from your favorite team..
Looking ahead to Thursday,I-practice in church fromn 3-4:30Please have your child go home change into play clothes, have a snack and be back in church at 3:00.Please make sure a parent comes back for them by 4:30.,If your child is in extended day, we will get them to church

Monday, April 28, 2014

Reading Work on your reading log for a short time
Math-112a and b
Dollar due for art if you didn't bring it in for art
Communion banners due tomorrow if you didn't bring in already
Baseball fest forms due

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Reading -Backpack 97
Spelling Test
Operation Rice Bowls due
Early dismissal tomorrow 1:20

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Reading- Backpack 96
Spelling-Pattern words 3 times each
Religion-Read pgs. 203-204
Operation Rice Bowls due

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reading -Backpack 95
Spelling- 5 times each memory words
Science-Study Guide from last week
Hunger Day tom If you didn't bring in your chicken noodle soup and 1.00

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Reading-Backpack 94, reading log
Spelling- Test, Abc order with memory words
Math-109 a and b
Fish Fry tomorrow in the school basement. Come one Come All

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reading-Backpack 93
Spelling-12 memory words in sentences
Please dine it at La Coco's restaurant or order by phone.Dress down with receipt tomorrow.please bring in your 2 cans of soup and 1.00 for Hunger Day

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Reading-Backpack 92
Spelling-first 13 words 3 times each
Religion-Read pgs. 199-201
We won a dress down tomorrow for having all our forms turned in YEAH!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Reading - backpack 91
Spelling- Memory words 5 times each

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reading-backpack 90,reading log
Spelling-Test, memory words in ABC order
Religion-quiz on notes

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reading-Backpack 89, reading log
Spelling-7 memory words in sentences
Math 104-finish a side and b
Science -Study guide
Religion-practice procession notes and pgs. 191-195

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Read-Backpack88, reading log
Spelling-pattern wotds 3 times each
Science-Study guide for Thursday and worksheet