Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reading-Backpack -74

Spelling- Test

Math-82a and b Please make sure both sides are completed

Please practice cursive at home

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

reading- backpack 73

Spelling- 7 sentences with the first 7 words

Math- 81b

Religion- practice ten commandments

Please practice cursive in their free time- I gave them a handout with the alphabet on it

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reading- Bakpack 72
Spelling Pattern words 2 times each
Six Flags read to Succeed due tomorrow

Monday, February 23, 2015

Reading- Backpack 71

Spelling- memory words 4 times

Math- 79b

If your child hasn't handed in the Father of the Year Essay, it must be handed in tomorrow.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reading- Backpack 69

Spelling- 12 sentences with memory words, Test


Handgun Violence sheets due tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reading- Backpack 68

Spelling - 2 times each pattern words

Math- 77b

Father of the Year Essay due Feb. 23, Handgun Violence due Feb. 19th

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading- Backpack 67

Spelling- Memory words 4 times each

Math- 76b

Father of the Year Essay due February 23rd, Handgun Violence picture due February 19th

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reading- Please work on Six Flags reading

Math- 75-1b

Please remember Freddie's night- Eat in or out and you may dress down tomorrow

Tomorrow your child may bring in a treat for the class. You are under no obligation to bring in anything. There are 27 students in my room. Have a good night!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Reading Six Flags Reading Please bring your prop or small COSTUME FOR THE PLAY
It should be something from home. Your child knows his her part

Math -74b

Religion-Practice 10 commandments

Thursday, February 5, 2015

reading- 10 minutes of reading

English- Worksheet


Religion- Practice 10 commandments

Please go over good behavior traits for school and home. I think need to be reminded

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Reading- tem minutes of reading

Math- 72b

Religion- Practice 10 commandments

Dress down if you pay 1.00 dollar

Practice regrouping and subtraction facts to 3

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reading-Please read for ten minutes tonight

Math- 71b

Spelling- no backpack sheets or spelling words this week.

We have end of unit tests

If you brought in money , for the two dollar dress down. You may dress down tomorrow

Valentine Treat money due tomorrow- Fundraiser from eighth grade