Monday, August 31, 2015

Reading Backpack5

Spelling- write memory words 5 times each

Math- Practice facts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Backpack 3

Spelling-pattern words 3 times each

Math worksheet

please make sure you are checking your child's assignment notebook, If your child doesn't complete homework at night, they will be out for recess.

Tonight is Ricobene's Night from 5-8. Eat in or out and dress down is on Friday

Tomorrow is picture day. Your child may dress up and don't forget about the money envelope.

Have a  great night!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Backpack pg.2

Spelling- write memory words 3 times each

read for 10 minutes

Please make sure you bring back your emergency form packet.If you already have, thank you