Thursday, August 30, 2018

Reading- 10 minutes of some kind of reading

Spelling- Backpack 4, Test on 3 of the pattern words and all of the memory words

Math- 1-4

Please return library books tomorrow

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Reading- 10 minutes of reading

Spelling- Backpack 3

Math- 1-3

Please return your child's library book, so we can have it for library on Friday.

Please remind your child about using the bathroom before they come to school.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Reading- read for 10 min

Spelling- practice memory and patterns

Math 1-2 independent

Please make sure you go over behavior traits nightly

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Reading- 10 minutes of oral or silent reading,

spelling- backpack 2, please study these words for test on Friday

Math- independent 1-1, pgs. 5 and 6

Please return highlight form marked yes or no

Please make sure you are going over behavioral traits with them daily, good reminders are beneficial

Have a great night!