Thursday, August 29, 2019

Reading-Backpack 4

Spelling- Test


Please return your child's library book if they brought it home.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Reading- Please read Backpack 3

Spelling- Practice words

Math-Topic 1-2

Please make sure you are signing the assignment sheet and returning.

Please make sure you talk about executive functioning skills with them.

Please go over behavior rules nightly

Thanks and have a great night

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reading- Please read ten minutes nightly and ask questions

Spelling-Please practice words

Math-Please complete topic 1-1

Please make sure you sign their assignment notebook page every night please, until we get the assignment notebook.

Please go over behavior traits nightly.

Please return white folder daily unless your child does not receive one .

Monday, August 26, 2019

Welcome Back!!

Reading- please go over the backpack words every day this week so they will do well on their test on Friday

Math- please go over Topic 1 , play the game inside

Please go over behavior traits every day