Monday, March 23, 2020

Happy Monday!
Writing prompt-write-(What you would like to do for your next birthday?) Please
write using clue words in your yellow notebook
Cursive –letter –r- pg. 26- please write neatly.
Reader- orally and silently read
ead pgs. 72-73- Basketball Season Begins, Discuss-
What is the main idea of the story? Workbook-37-38, say and spell memory and
pattern words, trace over words pg. 38.

Gym- Go outside and get air if possible, or do exercises- 30 min.

Lunch- Enjoy!

Silent reading-10 min. a book of their choice
-Lent-do a good deed and put a coin into your Lenten bank.
Communion book- Orally read and discuss pgs. 94 and pg. 95 about St. Joan of
Math- Practice clock and subtraction flashcards .Subtracting Three-digit Numbers
Pg. guided pg. 372 and Independent pgs. 373-374 for homework
History-Communities Now and Then
, Go over voc. words .past, transportation,
and communication. Look up words in the Glossary in the back of the book and
discuss. Orally read and discuss pgs. 5 and 6
Homework: Backpack 91, 3 times
 times each with memory words and completing math if you have not completed
 Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Communion book- Orally read and discuss pgs. 94 and pg. 95 about St. Joan of

    We cannot find anything about Joan of Arc in the communion book.
